On November 18, BJP Uttar Pradesh tweeted a video of a group of men beating a woman claiming that this was the state of affairs in Congress-ruled Rajasthan. The party targeted Priyanka Gandhi for her silence on the matter. Though the post was deleted as of this writing, an archived version can be accessed here.
Twitter handle ‘@MahanagarBjp’ also tweeted the video with the same claim. (Archive link)
The clip has been shared by other users on Twitter and Facebook. (Link 1, Link 2)
Alt News performed a keyword search which led us to a tweet by a journalist from Dainik Jagran. On November 18, Abushama Khan tweeted that the video is from Amethi, UP. Amethi police posted a clarification in a reply to the tweet saying that the incident occurred on November 15 and that police personnel had registered a case at Gauriganj police station.
प्रकरण दिनांक 15.11.2021 का है, जिसमें थाना गौरीगंज पर सुसंगत धाराओं में अभियोग पंजीकृत कर आवश्यक विधिक कार्यवाही की जा रही है ।
— AMETHI POLICE (@amethipolice) November 18, 2021
TV9 Uttar Pradesh also reported that the woman was thrashed in Amethi.
अमेठी में सरेआम मां-बेटियों की पिटाई
जमीनी विवाद में दबंगों ने महिला और उसकी बेटियों को बेरहमी से पीटा, दबंगों पर महिला की जमीन हड़पने का आरोप, विरोध करने पर सरेआम की पिटाई, गौरीगंज थाना क्षेत्र के भटगवा गांव का मामला।#Viral | @amethipolice | @Uppolice | pic.twitter.com/l5ybv8TrUi— TV9 Uttar Pradesh (@TV9UttarPradesh) November 17, 2021
A YouTube channel named ‘Bharat AtoZ News’ uploaded a video on the incident. According to the report, a mother and daughter were beaten up due to a land dispute in Bhagwa village in the jurisdiction of the Gauriganj police station in Amethi.
It is worth noting that UP Congress had tweeted the same video on November 18 targeting the BJP government.
योगी राज में –
ना किसान सुरक्षित है
ना जवान सुरक्षित है
ना महिलाओं का सम्मान सुरक्षित हैकितना शर्मनाक है कि स्मृति ईरानी अमेठी में हैं, और आज वहां ऐसी घटना हो रही है। pic.twitter.com/V31PIaXmCF
— UP Congress (@INCUttarPradesh) November 18, 2021
Alt News spoke with the CO of Gauriganj police station who clarified that the incident does not depict Rajasthan, but shows a family dispute in Amethi’s Gauriganj. A complaint was also registered against four individuals, of which three were arrested.