A City Civil Court at Bengaluru ordered two articles on The Wire website to be taken down following an application filed by Rajya Sabha MP Rajeev Chandresekhar. The Wire took down down the articles in compliance with the ex-parte order of temporary injunction. Rajeev Chandrasekhar is the NDA chairman from Kerala and an investor in Arnab Goswami’s new channel ‘Republic TV’. Pretty sure the loudmouth Arnab Goswami will have no problem with the gag on media that one of his investors is sponsoring. However, Internet is a place where NOTHING CAN BE DELETED.

A website called “archive.is” came to the rescue. The website “archive.is” can take a snapshot of any webpage and this snapshot will always be alive even if the original webpage disappears. Folks on Twitter took snapshots of the Wire articles from the Cached versions available via Google. Now if Rajeev Chandrashekhar has to bring down these versions available at “archive.is” website, he has to make a court ask Denis Petrov from Prague, Czech Republic, to take down these versions because he is the owner of the “archive.is” website. Pretty sure that is not happening, or at least not in near future.

The first article by Sandeep Bhushan published on January 25th and titled “Arnab’s Republic, Modi’s Ideology” is available here => http://archive.is/ayuDs

The second article by Sachin Rao published on February 17th and titled “In Whose Interests Do Our Soldiers March?” and which talks about the clear conflict of interest in Rajeev Chandrasekhar being part of the parliamentary committee on defence and investing in private defence manufacturing is available here => https://archive.is/ODFIC

Protest this gag order, share these links widely.