In the deadliest communal clashes witnessed in Delhi in decades, at least 21 people have lost their lives including police constable Ratan Lal. A viral social media message now claims that DCP Amit Sharma was also killed in the violence.

On February 25, shared the claim in Hindi along with a picture of Sharma. He wrote, “Sad news after constable Rattan Lal, DCP Amit Sharma is also no more. Muslim riots Delhi.” [Translated from “दुखद खबर” कांस्टेबल रतनलाल के बाद डीसीपी अमित शर्मा भी नहीं रहे. मुस्लिम दंगा दिल्ली]

Similarly, several social media users on Facebook and Twitter made the claim that DCP Amit Sharma passed away.


As per reports of February 24, DCP Amit Sharma was among the personnel injured in north-east Delhi. On February 25, Indian Police Service (Central) Association tweeted, “Amit Sharma, IPS, DCP Shahdara displayed exemplary grit, determination and led from the front. We pray that he recovers from his injuries successfully and quickly.”

Subsequent reports informed that the officer gained consciousness and is in stable condition.

Zee News journalist Jitendra Sharama tweeted an image from the hospital and said, “Amit Sharma, @DCP_Shd after successful surgery. @CPDelhi also met him in the hospital.”

Anil Mittal, Delhi Police PRO Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) told Boomlive that “DCP Sharma has been successfully operated and is out of danger. His condition is now stated to be stable.”

Therefore, social media claim that DCP Amit Sharma passed away in Delhi riots is false.

About the Author

🙏 Blessed to have worked as a fact-checking journalist from November 2019 to February 2023.