An image of a man surrounded by dogs is being shared on Twitter and Facebook along with the text, “This is a dead body of Mr. Pappu Shukla ji, a homeless man from Gujarat State (India) who took care of abandoned dogs for many years. He died yesterday and his beloved dogs surrounded and protected his body, refusing to leave his side.. May Pappu Shukla ji Rest In Peace.”

Twitter user @iceman93fk posted the image on October 26. Since then it has been retweeted over 500 times. (archived link)

Similarly, it was also posted by many Facebook users.

Image is from Yemen

A Google search with the keywords ‘Pappu Shukla Gujarat’ does not throw any relevant results. Next, we performed a reverse image search and learnt that the viral image was uploaded on Reddit by user gevidee on October 20 who claimed that the man is Ismael Hadi, a homeless person from Yemen. He used to feed stray dogs. The post added, “He was found dead this morning with the dogs refusing to leave his side.”

Using this as a clue, we performed an advanced search on Twitter and saw that several users had posted this picture including Yemeni conflict analyst Nadwa Dawsari.

The same was reported by Yemen-based news website Ababil and Al Jazeera Mubasher on October 20.

A video of the man lying dead on the road surrounded by dogs has also been shared by Arab users.


#الوفاء في زمن قل فيه الوفاء .!
هذا المشهد حقيقي .. عندما تكون الكلاب أوفى من كثير من الناس.!
هذا الرجل إسماعيل محمد هادي كان يطعم الكلاب يومياً في سوق الدليل بمحافظة اب وينام في الشارع .
مات ليلة أمس رحمة الله عليه .
فضلت الكلاب الى جانبه حزينة .!
المشهد يتحدث عن الوفاء في زمن قل فيه الوفاء .!!
الله يرحمه ويغفر له .
من صفحت الاخ الصديق محمود الحيدري .

Posted by ‎مطهر عنان‎ on Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Thus, an image of a homeless man from Yemen who as surrounded by dogs after this death was circulated in India with the claim that the said man is ‘Pappu Shukla’ from Gujarat.

About the Author

🙏 Blessed to have worked as a fact-checking journalist from November 2019 to February 2023.