A ‘story’ about a teacher who was bullied by his students during an online class on a Zoom call was published by India Today, The Tribune and IB Times.
Hindi media outlets Prabhat Khabar and India TV also published similar reports.
The Tribune’s report was tweeted by Cobrapost.
The story is also viral on social media. The tweet below has over 14,000 likes.
Read and please stop abusing your teachers during online class ( I know few people who use videos of Hindustan bhau and abuse the teacher) THIS IS NOT COOL. pic.twitter.com/ODNmlzBQj3
— Meg (@more_megg) July 15, 2020
The story, as it turns out, is fictional. It was shared by Facebook user from Bangladesh Syed Mohammad Fahim on June 30. At the end of his post, Fahim has stated, “I write this fictional story in solidarity to all teachers who are victims of Zoom bombing by shameless students. ”
The story was picked up two weeks later by media outlets after it was shared by the Instagram page tedthestoner on July 16. The page took out the word ‘fictional’ from the story and added a picture of the ‘teacher’. This picture was also used in news reports.
Where is the image from?
A reverse-image search revealed that the photograph of the teacher is a screengrab of a video of an online class held in Bangladesh. A subsequent keyword search on Facebook led us to a post by Bangladesh user Hafiz R Rahman who had shared the video on June 29. In the video, students can be heard conversing in Bengali with a Bangladeshi dialect. They are disrupting the class by mocking the teacher.
Rahman wrote that the teacher’s name is Mohiuddin and the incident occurred while he was taking a class for students of Milestone College, Dhaka. Rahman referred to himself as an ex-student of the college and claimed that he knows the teacher.
In another video, he said that he has informed the college authorities of the incident in hopes that the unruly students would face consequences. He claimed to have shared the details of one of the boys with the college administration. Several people have asked Rahman to take down the teacher’s video however, he says that he will take it down only after the college takes action against the student whose detailed he shared.
অনেকে ব্লেইম দিচ্ছিলো আমি কেন ভিডিও টা আপ্লোডের আগে কলেজ অথরিটিকে জানাইনি।
অনেকে কলেজের নামেও অনেক কিছু বলেছে।
অনেকে ইনবক্সে আপডেট জানতে চাইছেন, এপ্রিশিয়েট করেছেন অনেকে।আমি ভিডিওটা ডিলেট করতাম যদি কলেজ অথরিটি কোন স্টেপ নিত বা জানাত যে তারা স্টেপ নিবেন। কিন্তু সেরকম কিছু জানানো হয়নি৷
যারা যারা বিভিন্ন গ্রুপে ভিডিও পোষ্ট দিয়েছেন আমি তাদের নিষেধ ও করেছিলাম।
আমি চাইনি ভিডিও টা ভাইরাল হোক কিন্তু ভাইরাল হবার পরেও যেহেতু স্টেপ নেয়া হচ্ছেনা সেক্ষেত্রে আমার আর কিছু বলার নেই।আমি ওই ছেলের সমস্ত ইনফরমেশন স্যারদের দিয়েছি। এখন তারা কি করবেন তাদের ব্যাপার।
এরপর যদি কোন ব্যাবস্থা গ্রহন করে তো সেটা পরবর্তীতে জানানো হবে।
ধন্যবাদ 🙂viral video link :- https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1090390508028833&id=100011736819091
Posted by Hafiz R Rahman on Wednesday, 1 July 2020
A fictional story about a 55-year-old teacher bullied and abused while taking an online class via Zoom was inspired by an actual case that took place in Bangladesh. The person who shared the story clarified that it was fictional. But media outlets did not attempt to locate the original source Syed Mohammad Fahim and cited Instagram page tedthestoner, an account that posts memes and jokes, as the source. It is noteworthy that tedthestoner had named Fahim in its post, yet none of the outlets cross-verified the story. One of the media organisations India Today also has a dedicated fact-checking desk and is recognised by the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN).