A video of a mob beating and dragging a man has been circulated with the claim that the incident took place in West Bengal. The clip shows the people, the majority of whom are wearing skull caps, dragging the man inside a gate. Several users have linked the video to the post-poll violence in West Bengal. One Aman Ashutosh gained 13,000 views for the video. He wrote, “Wake up Hindus” in the caption.
Several Twitter users also linked the video to West Bengal violence.
A few other users have said that the incident is from Uttar Pradesh where locals beat up a lineworker. “The height of Bengal violence has reached Muzaffarnagar,” says the caption.
Incident from UP
A lineman from Sikri, Muzaffarnagar district in Uttar Pradesh was indeed beaten up by some locals. According to a report published in Amar Ujala on May 5, 2021, Anuj went to Sikri to fix a fault in an electricity line. “One Salman from the village came with his brother Ayyaz and the duo asked Anuj to change their cable. Anuj denied doing the favour and asked them to present the order from the JE first. The accused allegedly called their friends Rafi, Khalid, Naaz, Aas Mohammed, Abid and one unnamed person and started abusing Anuj,” per the report.
The other two workers who came with Anuj managed to escape and informed the police. A complaint was subsequently registered against eight people. Amar Ujala also wrote about the video circulating on social media.
Dainik Jagaran and Hindustan reported on the incident as well.
We also found that Muzaffarnagar police replied to a tweet that linked the incident to West Bengal violence. The tweet said that a case has been registered against seven accused and 10-12 unidentified persons at Bhopa police station.
थाना भोपा पुलिस द्वारा 07 नामजद व 10-12 अज्ञात अभियुक्तों के विरुद्ध सुसंगत धाराओं में अभियोग पंजीकृत किया गया है। अभियुक्तों की शीघ्र गिरफ्तारी की जाएगी, स्थानीय पुलिस द्वारा अन्य विधिक कार्यवाही की जा रही है।
— MUZAFFARNAGAR POLICE (@muzafarnagarpol) May 5, 2021
Alt News contacted Bhopa police station SHO Dheeraj Singh and he reiterated that a case has been lodged and investigation is underway. He further added that there is no communal angle to the incident.