BJP Delhi spokesperson Tajinder Bagga tweeted an 18-second clip of a protest at the Gateway of India, Mumbai on the intervening night of January 5-6. The protest was against the violence at JNU Delhi, where masked goons entered the campus with weapons and thrashed several students. The sloganeering at the Mumbai protest was led by former JNU student Umar Khalid. “Muslim and Leftists students in Mumbai again Raised Slogans “Hinduo se Aazadi” but this time not in Jamia or JNU , they raised Hinduo se Aazadi Slogans at Gateway of India Mumbai,” claimed Bagga. His tweet has garnered close to 9,000 retweets.
Muslim and Leftists students in Mumbai again Raised Slogans “Hinduo se Aazadi” but this time not in Jamia or JNU , they raised Hinduo se Aazadi Slogans at Gateway of India Mumbai. Will @MumbaiPolice @OfficeofUT take action or support this goons Silently ?
— Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga (@TajinderBagga) January 6, 2020
Alt News found that Bagga’s claim about protesters chanting, “Hinduo se azadi”, is patently false. We discovered a Facebook Live of the protest where the 18-second portion tweeted by the Delhi BJP spokesperson can be heard from 17:53 minutes onward.
Here’s what Khalid said – “तो NPR से (आज़ादी),और CAA से (आज़ादी),और CAA से (आज़ादी), तो जातिवाद से (आज़ादी), और मनुवाद से (आज़ादी), और संघवाद से (आज़ादी), और RSS से (आज़ादी), और RSS से (आज़ादी), तो भगवत से भी (आज़ादी), तो उस मोदी से (आज़ादी)”
[Translation: From NPR (freedom), and from CAA (freedom), and from CAA (freedom), from casteism (freedom), and from Manuvaad (freedom), and from Sanghvaad (freedom), and from RSS (freedom), and from RSS (freedom), from Bhagwat too (freedom), from that Modi (freedom).]
We corroborated the same with a live-streamed video on YouTube where the same slogans can be heard 52:42 minutes onward. Khalid also took to Twitter and called out Bagga’s false claim.
BJP Delhi spokesperson Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga tweeted a video former JNU student Umar Khalid and falsely claimed that he raised slogans against Hindus while in reality, his line of sloganeering was against casteism, Manuvaad, RSS, Sangh, PM Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat.
The false claim was also shared by BJP Mumbai spokesperson Suresh Nakhua.
Leftist students raised Slogans “Hinduo se Aazadi” at Gateway of India Mumbai.
And sources say #MahaAfzalAghadi scion is going to join these guys.
Will @MumbaiPolice take action or support this goons ?#LeftAttacksJNU #ShutDownJNU
— Suresh Nakhua 🇮🇳 ( सुरेश नाखुआ ) (@SureshNakhua) January 6, 2020
Major Surendra Poonia also joined the bandwagon.
Are they protesters 🤔? No way !
So called students came in support of JNU leftist at Gateway of a india in Mumbai & shouted 👇
“Hinduo se Aazadi”
AMU,Jamia से शुरू किया और अब पूरे देश में 🤔बहुत बड़ी साज़िश चल रही है देश में .. सोचो कौन-कौन शामिल हैं !@MumbaiPolice #JNUattack— Major Surendra Poonia (@MajorPoonia) January 6, 2020