As elections in West Bengal spark political feud, a video of a livid Mamata Banerjee shouting at those around her has been shared online. It has been claimed that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers caused the West Bengal chief minister to lose her mind. BJP Delhi member Manoj Khandelwal was among those who shared the clip writing, “भाजपा वाले ममता बानो को पागल करके ही मानेंगे.”


भाजपा वाले ममता बानो को पागल करके ही मानेंगे


Posted by Manoj Khandelwal on Sunday, 6 December 2020

Facebook user Vijendera Dhoundiyal also shared the clip with an identical narrative.

*भाजपा वाले इसे पागल करके छोड़ेंगे*😄

Posted by Vijendera Dhoundiyal on Monday, 30 November 2020

Video from 2006

The claim circulating along with the video clip is absolutely false. The video in question was shot in 2006. The place is the West Bengal assembly. It may be recalled that protests had taken place in West Bengal that year over the proposal by Tata Motors to set up a manufacturing plant in Singur for the Tata Nano car. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) led by Mamata Banerjee, which was then in the opposition, had been at the forefront of the agitation. TMC workers had ransacked the West Bengal assembly building as part of the protest.

The same had been broadcast by NDTV in a video report of December 1, 2006. A screenshot of the same is posted below.

Alt News found that the same video was also shared with the false claim that it portrays an angry Mamata Banerjee, following demonetisation which took place in November 2016.

Alt News had fact-checked a longer version of the video in 2019 when it was shared with the false claim that CM Banerjee opposed to TMC workers chanting ‘Vande Mataram’.

About the Author

Arjun Sidharth is a writer with Alt News. He has previously worked in the television news industry, where he managed news bulletins and breaking news scenarios, apart from scripting numerous prime time television stories. He has also been actively involved with various freelance projects. Sidharth has studied economics, political science, international relations and journalism. He has a keen interest in books, movies, music, sports, politics, foreign policy, history and economics. His hobbies include reading, watching movies and indoor gaming.