A team from Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS), Keshod chapter, welcomed Amit Shah’s cavalcade with eggs and ‘Haay Haay’ slogans. Amit Shah was travelling by road to Somnath where PM Modi, LK Advani and former Gujarat CM Keshubhai Patel are also supposed to be present. PM Modi is supposed to offer prayers at the temple and then attend a board meeting of the temple. Mr Modi, Mr Amit Shah, Mr Advani along with 3 others are the board members of the temple trust and Mr Keshubhai Patel is the chairperson.

Amit Shah has been at the receiving end of Patidar anger with Patidar youth disrupting his meeting in Surat in September 2016. Amit Shah had to quit the meeting just a few minutes into his speech when the Patidar youth started shouting slogans and flinging chairs. Other BJP leaders like the Home Minister Pradeep Sinh Jadeja and BJYM Gujarat Chief Rutvij Patel also have had to brace physical attacks during the last one year.