Mahesh Vikram Hegde, founder of fake news website Postcard News, shared two images claiming that they depict vegetable markets in Mizoram where vendors and customers are practising social distancing. “Pictures are from Mizoram. People who are violating social distancing must definitely learn from this!” he wrote.
Pictures are from Mizoram
People who are violating social distancing
must definitely learn from this!— Mahesh Vikram Hegde (@mvmeet) April 20, 2020
Author Shunali Shroff also shared the images, drawing over 8,000 likes and 2,000 retweets. Other prominent handles which promoted the same claim were – author Shobha De, editorial director of Newsweek Group Danish Manzoor and retired air marshal Anil Chopra.
Even on Reddit, the images are floating as scenes from Mizoram.
Photos from Myanmar
A reverse-image search on Google led us to a tweet by VSK Assam which claimed that the photographs are from Myanmar. A subsequent keyword search on Twitter redirected us to an April 24 tweet by Burmese historian Thant Myint-U. He wrote, “The market in Kalaw, a beautiful hill station in Myanmar, 4,500 ft above sea level.”
The market in Kalaw, a beautiful hill station in Myanmar, 4,500 ft above sea level, still with zero known #COVID19 #pandemic cases, but where authorities are taking #SocialDistancing seriously.
— Thant Myint-U (@thantmyintu) April 24, 2020
A hoarding in one of the images carries the words ‘High Class’. This is a brand of whiskey by Seagram’s supplied in Myanmar.
Filipino media group ABS-CBN News had tweeted the images on April 20, crediting photographer Jain Weraphong.
LOOK: Vendors and buyers practice physical distancing in a public market in Myanmar.
As of April 20, 2020, Myanmar has 111 confirmed cases of #COVID19, with 7 recoveries and 5 deaths.
📷Jain Weraphong | via @goldiesaurin
— ABS-CBN News (@ABSCBNNews) April 20, 2020
One of the viral images was also featured in an article on Thailand-based media outlet The Nation Thailand.
Photographs of social distancing being practised at a vegetable market in Myanmar was shared by prominent Indian social media users as Mizoram.