News Image from a photo-shoot viral on social media as police action on Sabarimala devotee Pooja Chaudhuri3rd November 20184th November 2018 Delhi MLA Kapil Mishra tweeted an image on November 2 in which a man can be seen holding an idol with the foot of a purported cop on his chest….
Politics Kapil Mishra continues to mislead on ‘Rupesh Baisoya murder case’ Pooja Chaudhuri10th October 201812th October 2018 “रूपेश बैसोया की हत्या करवाने वाला ड्रग माफ़िया गिरफ़्तार (The drug mafia who murdered Rupesh Baisoya is arrested),” tweeted Rebel AAP MLA Kapil Mishra on October 9, adding that the man…