A video of a man dancing to the tunes of a Bollywood song supposedly in a drunken state is doing the rounds on social media. It is being claimed that the man is Sudhanshu Trivedi, a BJP Rajya Sabha MP. Facebook user who goes by the name Sameer Worldking posted the video with a similar claim.
BJP നേതാവിന്റെ ലീലാവിലാസങ്ങൾ😁
Bangkok ഇൽ പോയി അടിച്ചു പൊളിച്ചതാ….. ബോധം വരുമ്പോളേക്കും video viral ആയി… പാവം…
ഇനി ഇങ്ങനെ നാട്ടുകാരുടെയും വീട്ടു കാരുടെയും മുഖത്ത് നോക്കും😂
Posted by Sameer Worldking on Sunday, 6 October 2019
A few more people on Facebook shared the video with the same claim.
Alt News found that the man in the video is not BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi. In the comparison posted below, it is evident that the two have distinct features.
This video of an unidentified man dancing with a woman at what seems like a private party is being maliciously shared with the narrative that it depicts the newly-elected Rajya Sabha MP, Sudhanshu Trivedi. We will update the article if and when we find out more about the person concerned.