Vinayak Sharma, who is the President at Sri Venkateswara College and Prashant Mishra who is secretary at Delhi University ABVP unit and a former Present at Sri Venkateswara College are the two ABVP leaders who were arrested for assaulting AISA members while they were returning from the march against ABVP. The hooliganism of ABVP has reached a point that they even assault other students with the police present. Watch the video of the assault below.
In yet another case of ABVP's hooliganism, two ABVP members Vinayak Sharma and Prashant Mishra assaulted three students who were returning after the march near Khalsa college. The two ABVP members have been arrested.
Posted by Alt News on Tuesday, February 28, 2017
These two have reportedly been arrested for the assault.
Here’s a screenshot of their Facebook profiles:
This is the cover picture on Vinayak Sharma’s Facebook profile, he’s the garlanded guy.
And this is the cover picture on Prashant Mishra’s Facebook profile.