A purported video of angry locals raising slogans against Baba Ramdev allegedly at Jodhpur airport has been circulating widely on social media. It is claimed that the sloganeering was so fierce that it forced the Patanjali founder had to leave. Deepak Jain, Social Media District Convenor of Youth Congress from Damoh in Madhya Pradesh, made the same claim while tweeting this video. It received more than 21,000 views at the time of writing. (Archive link)
*जोधपुर में बाबा राम देव के खिलाफ लगे नारे, एयरपोर्ट से ही वापिस लौटना पड़ा! pic.twitter.com/sLVB8zmmCi
— Deepak Jain (@Deepakjainiyc) October 3, 2021
The clip is widespread on Twitter.
The video is also garnering a lot of traction on Facebook.
*जोधपुर में बाबा के खिलाफ लगे नारे अब क्यों नहीं बोलते कालेधन और महंगाई के खिलाफ, UPA के टाइम पर कालेधन के खिलाफ रामदेव बाबा ने बेडा उठाया था, रामदेव को एयरपोर्ट से ही वापिस लौटना पड़ा …
Posted by Badaldas B on Thursday, September 30, 2021
Alt News performed a keyword search and discovered that this video has been in circulation since 2017 with the same claim. We found its oldest iteration in a tweet dated September 27, 2017. A handle named ‘@Jalawat63615356’ posted this video on September 27, 2017, at 7:56 AM.
जोधपुर में बाबा रामदेव के खिलाफ नारेबाजी की बाबा रामदेव के सामने pic.twitter.com/Ah0gaAhthv
— Ak Jalawat (@Jalawat63615356) September 27, 2017
On September 28, 2017, Jansatta published an article about the incident. According to the report, Ramdev had arrived in Alwar, Rajasthan to inaugurate Patanjali Village Industries on September 27. As soon as he left the airport, he was greeted by widespread opposition, forcing him to go back inside.
An Amar Ujala article dated September 28, 2017, stated that Congress workers held a demonstration at the airport opposing Baba Ramdev’s visit.
YouTube channels News World India and SPN9NEWS Saamajik Aina also aired the clip on October 1, 2017.
A four-year-old video of a protest against Baba Ramdev’s visit to Rajasthan was falsely shared as a recent.
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