Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on a three-day visit to Uttar Pradesh to inaugurate 75 urban projects or schemes. Addressing an event on Tuesday, where citizens were invited to speak to the PM on video calls, he asked a woman if her family was able to avail of the benefits of the PM SVANidhi scheme. The woman responded, “No, we did not get anything.” This portion from the address has been shared by opposition parties and leaders to target the PM. It has been portrayed that she applied for the PM SVANidhi scheme but did not get its benefits.
The reason why PM Modi never addressed a press conference👇🏻
— AAP (@AamAadmiParty) October 5, 2021
Among the Congress members who shared the video were Srinivas BV, Alka Lamba, Imran Pratapgarhi and RJ Ria. Twitter user Ravi Nair @t_d_h_nair also tweeted the video.
Lol !!
— Srinivas BV (@srinivasiyc) October 5, 2021
बस चेहरा देखिए 🤪🤣👍
— Alka Lamba (@LambaAlka) October 5, 2021
Misleading claim
The Prime Minister was talking to several people about various welfare schemes and if they had applied for the benefits and received them. The woman Babita said that her family hadn’t availed of the benefits of the PM SVANidhi yojana. She did not say that she failed to get benefits after applying for the scheme. The Prime Minister subsequently explains to her how she can apply for SVANidhi yojana. The conversation goes as follows (can be watched onward 1:42:00 in the video below):
PM Modi: Have you received any benefits from the PM SVANidhi yojana?
Woman: No sir, we haven’t got anything.
PM Modi: Okay, you should take its benefits. You meet bankers and tell them that PM SVANidhi scheme exists and we have a home…we want to join the scheme. The banker will give you Rs 10,000 and with that money, you can take your business forward. If you do this digitally, they will give you Rs 20,000. If you do even better, they will give you Rs 50,000. If your business does well and if the loans and repayments run smoothly, you won’t have to take high-interest loans from outside. So there are such schemes if you want to get benefits. Will you?
Woman: Yes, sir.
It is also noteworthy that the Prime Minister begins conversing with Babit by asking about her education, family business and her home. At around 1:41:00, PM Modi had asked her about her husband’s business. She said that he rears goats. After explaining his work in brief, she says that her family was able to shift to a pucca house from a kaccha house, to which PM Modi asked, “How much money did you get from the government?” The woman replied, “Rs 2.50 lakhs.” PM Modi then says this was possible due to Jan Dhan accounts.
He begins by talking about the Jan Dhan yojana, then PM SVANidhi yojana and finally the Ujjwala scheme.
A clipped portion of the PM’s complete interaction with the woman was shared online to falsely portray that she said her family has not got any benefits of the PM SVANidhi scheme. But the latter part of the conversation reveals that the family was yet to apply for the scheme hence, PM Modi explains to her how she can avail of the benefits. Earlier in the conversation, the woman also said that her family received Rs 2.50 lakh from the government in her Jan Dhan account.
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