A video is viral on social media depicting a man, wearing a white kaftan, falling off a hoverboard and exploding. Background music has been added to the video, which says “Allah Hu Akbar”. Several social media users have shared the video claiming that the man is a suicide bomber who exploded into a ball of flames after falling off the hoverboard.

Expelled BJP leader Naveen Kumar Jindal (@naveenjindalbjp), who was formerly the media head and spokesperson of BJP Delhi, posted the video on X (formerly Twitter) with the caption, “The Jihadi was carrying a bomb for someone else. He himself reached 72 Huron.” The tweet received over 1,47,200 views, 3,500 likes and 1,200 retweets. (Archive

Another X user, Nagma Khatun (@Nagmakhatun786), shared the video with the caption, “#AllahuAkbar Bomb disposal squad. Bulla preparing against Israel. Go on a direct journey to hell. #Hamas #HamasTerrorists #Israel_under_attack”  The video has over 24,900 views, 127 likes and 50 retweets. (Archive


Fact Check 

We noticed that an X user, @Delhiite_, had shared another version of the same video, but there was no explosion. It shows the man falling off the hoverboard and then lying on the road for a few seconds. 

We broke down the viral video into key-frames using Invid software and then reverse-searched one of them on Google. This led us to a 2015 YouTube video, titled in Macedonian, ‘Араб на гироскутере’ (translation: Arab on gyro-scooters). The video depicts the man falling off the hoverboard and then lying on the ground.

A 2015 report by Daily Mail, titled, “Painful moment man is sent hurtling down the road face-first after he loses his balance on speeding hoverboard in Dubai“, features the original video and states that “Captured on camera is the moment a man wipes out on one of the nifty contraptions and is sent hurtling down the road face-first. The video, which was filmed by artist and entertainer Masta Moneyplus on a smartphone, appears to capture the man’s unfortunate fall completely on the off chance.”

The report further added that “Recording from the window of a building, the video maker zooms in and follows the progress of a man travelling along the road on a hoverboard. At first, everything appears to be going to plan – the man leans forward and picks up speed while moving in a straight line. However disaster suddenly strikes and the man moves beyond the contraption, which crashes behind him. With nothing under his feet and a lot of momentum carrying him forward, the man is sent hurtling into the road face-first.” The report does not mention any bomb blast or explosion.

To sum up, a video depicting a man falling off a hoverboard and exploding into flames has gone viral with a communal spin. Our fact-check revealed that the video was edited. The man fell off the hoverboard but there was no explosion.

Abira Das is an intern at Alt News.

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