Breaking News: “Agar #Ayodhya mein Mandir banta hai toh uska wahi haal hoga jo Babri ka hua tha.” (If a temple is built in Ayodhya it will meet the same fate as the Babri masjid), said Kapil Sibbal according to a tweet by Madhu Kishwar, writer and founder of Manushi.
“How far will this madness take Congress party?” asked Kishwar as she referred to a tweet by Girish Bharadwaja. As it turned out, the tweet quoting Sibal was from a parody account. The tweet was not from the Times Now account but apparently by an account with the ID TIIMESHOW (T-I-I-M-E-S-H-O-W). At the time of writing, the tweet could not be found on the TIIMESHOW twitter account. The logo of the channel too was replicated to make it seem original to the non-discerning eye. Kishwar was among those who fell prey to the imitation.
This tweet was shared not just on Twitter but also on Facebook. Republic Fan Club, a Facebook page with over 250,000 followers was among those who posted it.
Posted by Republic Fan Club on Friday, 9 February 2018
The tweet which she shared was from the account of Girish Bharadwaja, who describes himself as a VHP leader based in Bengaluru. Bharadwaja shared this fake quote from his Facebook account with the message “Is jihadi Kapil Sibal threatening Hindus?”
Is Jihadi Kapil Sibal Threatening Hindus?
तुम तो क्या तेरा बाप आऐगा तो भी वहा मंदिर ही बनेगा , बाबर के नाम पर मस्जिद भारत मे कई बनने नही देंगेPosted by Girish Bharadwaj on Thursday, 8 February 2018
Madhu Kishwar’s posts on Twitter are reflective of a habitual tendency to post information that is dubious in authenticity. Her gaffes on Twitter have been compiled by Alt News in this article. Despite being called out often on social media, Kishwar remains ebullient and resolute in the face of many a misstep.
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