A video depicting a man riding a bike with three burqa-clad women has gone viral on social media. The words “ঈদ মোবারক” (Eid Mubarak) have been superimposed on the video. Several Indian users have shared the clip claiming that such are the consequences of unemployment in India.

A parody page of BJP leader Sudhanshu Trivedi, @Sudanshutrivedi, shared the clip on X (formerly Twitter) with the caption, “An unemployed man”. The tweet has received over 185,700 views, 10,000 likes and 4,300 retweets. (Archive

A user, @MaheshM58845164, commented under the above tweet, stating that “Modi ji has increased the number of taxpayers, now about eight crore are paying taxes, so let the other fifteen crore enjoy. India is a very tolerant country. Make lotus bloom and be happy.”

Other X users like @Surya_Maithil and @AarMhatre also amplified the video. (Archive 1 and 2)

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The video also went viral on Instagram and Facebook.

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A closer look at the viral video reveals that the poster depicted in the clip features Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and a text written in Bengali, ‘চেয়ারম্যান’ (Chairman). 

We broke down the viral video into key-frames using Invid software and then reverse-searched one of the images on Google. This led us to the original video posted on Facebook by SI Jahangir Alam, who is in-charge of Dhanbari police station of Tangail District in Bangladesh. In the clip, Alam talks about the importance of responsible driving and cautions his viewers about the increasing number of bike accidents in Bangladesh.

এভাবে কি মেনে নেওয়া যায়, আপনি হলে কি করতেন ? Jahangir Alam

এভাবে কি মেনে নেওয়া যায়, আপনি হলে কি করতেন ? Jahangir Alam

Posted by Jahangir Alam on Friday 12 April 2024

The poster in the background is clearly visible at the 0:32 mark of the extended video. The poster also features Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina’s name and the image of Alhaj Anwar Hossain, the chairman candidate from Awami League who will be contesting the upcoming Upazila elections in Bangladesh, which shall commence from May 29, 2024.

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The extended video also depicts a police officer talking to the man who was driving the bike. A closer look at the police uniform reveals that the uniform logo is the official logo of the Bangladesh Police. This shows that the incident happened in Bangladesh and not in India.

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Alt News reached out to SI Jahangir Alam for a comment. He confirmed that the video was from Bangladesh.

To sum up, social media users have shared a viral video depicting a man riding a bike with three women, claiming that the incident happened in India. Our fact-check revealed that the video is from Bangladesh.

Abira das is an intern at Alt News.

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