General Secretary of BJP Delhi Ravinder Gupta shared a photograph of a family sipping tea in a water-logged lane. Gupta attacked Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi by claiming that the picture is from Kirari assembly constituency which Kejriwal has converted into “London”.
#दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री @ArvindKejriwal जी का दिल से धन्यवाद जिन्होंने #किराड़ी विधानसभा को #लंदन बना दिया।
यह देखिए किस प्रकार एक पूरा परिवार #लंदन की गली में बैठकर ” गरमा गरम चाय” और बिस्कुट का आनंद ले रहे है🤣#केजरीवाल जी इससे अच्छे दिन मत दिखाना🙏— Ravinder Gupta (@guptaravinder71) July 26, 2020
National Spokesperson of Akali Dal Manjinder Sirsa quote-tweeted Gupta and took a jibe at Kejriwal — “Don’t know about London but he surely converted Delhi into Venice.”
लंदन तो नहीं पर दिल्ली को वेनिस ज़रूर बना दिया है @ArvindKejriwal जी ने
— Manjinder Singh Sirsa (@mssirsa) July 26, 2020
‘The picture is also doing the rounds on Facebook as Surat, Gujarat.
Old image from Punjab
A reverse image search led to a tweet by journalist Salil Tripathi on July 27. Tripathi said that this picture is not from Surat but Punjab. He retweeted a tweet by AAP MLA Gurmeet Singh from Barnala district of Punjab.
On July 18, 2016, Gurmeet Singh had tweeted this picture claiming that a family in Mansa district of Punjab protested against “shoddy sewage work” by the Akali Dal.
Family in Mansa dist #Punjab protesting against shoddy sewage wrk by #akalis .Ppl r waiting fr 2017 @ArvindKejriwal
— Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer (@meet_hayer) July 18, 2016
A user shared a news clipping of Punjab Kesari while replying to Singh. The report describes the picture as, “After rain in Mansa, people sitting on a street filled with water, enjoying the rain with a cup of tea.”
The photo is circulating as Delhi since 2016. On July 20, 2016, a Twitter user had shared the Punjab Kesari clipping when Chairman of RPG Group Harsh Goenka promoted the false claim.
Pic 1 : @hvgoenka Spreading Lies and Propaganda against Delhi Govt
Pic 2 : Truth of Pic 1; From Mansa, Punjab— DaaruBaaz Mehta (@DaaruBaazMehta) July 20, 2016
A picture from 2016 shot in Punjab is therefore shared as Delhi to target the AAP government for “poor” drainage system.
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