An eight-second clip is being circulated on WhatsApp. It shows a man killing another with a rifle. “A Naxalite stepped out of his vehicle, shot down a policeman in Chhattisgarh and uploaded the video online,” reads the viral message. (छत्तीसगढ़ में नक्सल ने एक पुलिस वाले को गाड़ी से उतार कर गोली मारकर उसकी वीडियो अपलोड कर दी)

The video is violent in nature and hasn’t been embedded in the article. A few screenshots from the video are attached below.

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The video was uploaded by Strana-Krovi, a Russian-language content aggregation website, on April 14, 2020. It has a watermark ‘@davidlock_’ and as per the caption, the viral video shows the execution of a gangster by a member of a Colombian drug cartel.

[Warning: Distressing content.]

We looked up the handle @davidlock_ on Instagram and found that it belongs to a Colombian social media user. This account tracks crimes in Colombia. He posted a still from the viral video on April 14, 2020 and wrote, “This man was murdered by a scammer, I do not know the state and the exact place.”

Alt News reached out to a professional who is fluent in Spanish. They informed that the man with the gun said, “Tell me, tell me…. [shoots] that’s what you get for being a fraudster.”

A video where a man was shot dead has been falsely shared as an incident from India. However, the shooter is talking in Spanish and the video was uploaded by a Columbian Instagram user.

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About the Author

Aqib is monitoring and researching mis/disinformation at Alt News