A video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s effigy tied to a tractor is viral on social media with users linking it to the ongoing farmers’ protest in Delhi and Haryana. Posters with the text ‘No Farmers, No Food’ are in the background. Prominent Right Wing influencer @MrSinha_ tweeted the video with the caption, ‘Blood boils’. (Archive)

Verified X user @MediaHarshVT tweeted the video and called for action against the ones seen in the video. (Archive)

Another verified user @MYogiDevnath also tweeted the video and said “The government should now treat these Khalistanis in the same way as it was done before.” (Archive)

Several other users also tweeted the video, linking it to the ongoing protests. (Archives- 1, 2)

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Fact Check

Upon a closer look at the viral video, we noticed a number on the signboard with the text ‘Orders To Go”. We discovered that the number listed belonged to a Punjabi Dhaba in Aurora, Oregon in the US named ‘Sizzling Tandoori Hut’. The text Sizzling can also be deciphered on the signboard in the viral video.

We geolocated the eatery in Aurora and found that the signboard in the images on the Google Maps street view matches the one seen in the viral video. Even the tractor on which Modi’s effigy was tied can be seen on the side. Below, is a comparison between the street view of the eatery and a screengrab from the viral video.

We also found that the audio in the viral video had been taken from an NDTV interview from 2020. The NDTV reporter asked a protester why he was going to Delhi to which he replied, “He has taken our roti, he will take our land, we will punch Modi”.


Modi nu Mukien nal kutega Delhi ja k…Baba ji di age 75 Sal…💪💪🙏🙏
#kisan #kisaanmajdoorektazindabad #kisanektazindabaad

Posted by Amardeep Maana on Thursday, 26 November 2020

We called up the number visible on the signboard and spoke to a representative of the restaurant. Though they could not specify the particular incident, they told Alt News that such protests kept happening in the town.

Hence, a video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s effigy tied to the front of a tractor filmed in an eatery in Oregon is viral on social media with users linking it to the ongoing farmers’ protest in Delhi. An audio from the farmers’ protest in 2020 has also been edited into the viral video.

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About the Author

Student of Economics at Presidency University. Interested in misinformation.