A video of a street food vendor urinating into a mug that he later empties into a bucket kept on his cart has been going viral on social media platforms. Twitter user Pawan Saxena shared the footage. (Archive link)
पहले जग में पेशाब किया और वह पेशाब पीने वाले पानी में आधा डाला और आधा बाहर फेंक दिया ताकि ग्राहक को भी पता ना चले
बाहर खाने पीने के शौकीन लोगों इन हरामियो का क्या करोगे😡😡 pic.twitter.com/EVgD75mFif— पवन सक्सेना (@RealPawanSaxena) August 18, 2021
Facebook user ‘Bhagwa Rakshak’ garnered more than 16,000 views for the video. (Archive link)
रिकार्ड तोड़ हरामीपना 😡😡😡
पहले जग में पेशाब किया और वह पेशाब पीने वाले पानी में आधा डाला और आधा बाहर फेंक दिया ताकि ग्राहक को भी पता ना चले
बाहर खाने पीने के शौकीन लोगों इन जिहादियों का क्या करोगे😡😡Posted by भगवा रक्षक on Thursday, August 19, 2021
Twitter handle ‘हम लोग We The People’ tweeted the video identifying the man as Khalil Bhai. (Archive link). Another handle named @cbpunjabi also shared it with the same claim.
खलील भाई की दुकान पर हर जाति धर्म के लोग मिल कर भाईचारे के साथ बिरयानी खाया करते थे..
पर उनको शिकायत थी कि खलील भाई बिरयानी में नमक ज्यादा डालते है..
एक दिन किसी ने वीडियो बना कर सेकुलर लोगों को बता दिया बिरयानी में ज्यादा नमक की वजह..
असल मे खलील भाई बिरयानी में पेशाब करते थे.. pic.twitter.com/C45l7I8e17— हम लोग We The People (@humlogindia) August 20, 2021
The video is widespread on Facebook with the claim that the man caught urinating was ‘Khalil Bhai’.
Alt News performed a reverse image search using stills from the video which led us to a few media reports. On August 20, Pratidin Time reported that a puchka vendor was arrested in Guwahati for mixing his urine with water. A video of this incident had gone viral on social media which is how the incident came to light. The accused was identified as 60-year-old Akrul Sahani, a resident of the Bhoothnath area. Once the visuals surfaced, locals were quite angered. According to Pratidin Time, the police are still investigating the whole matter.
Media organizations like Time 8, Parag News, Guwahati Plus also covered the incident. A news channel named ‘DY365‘ similarly identified the man in the video as Akrul Sahani.
Parag News also released a video report on the matter.
We found that the oldest instance of the video was posted on August 14 by Amar Jyoti Bordoloi.
আপুনি চাটো (chatwa) খাই নেকি……???
যদি খাই তেনেহলে সাৱধান!!
গুৱহাটীৰ আঠ গাওঁ কবৰ স্থানৰ সমিপত chatwa বিক্ৰী কৰি থকা জনলৈ চাওক, তেওঁ এটা মগত দুটা কাম কৰিছে, কিদৰে ব্যক্তি জনে একেতা মগত প্ৰস্ৰাৱ কৰি আকৌ সেইটোকেই ব্যাবহাৰ কৰিছে।
এনেকুৱা ব্যৱসায়ী উচিত শাস্তী পাবনে ?
মানুহে খোৱা খাদ্যত এনেকুৱা কাম কৰিছে।।Posted by Amar Jyoti Bordoloi on Saturday, August 14, 2021
Alt News reached out to Bordoloi and he informed, “I recorded this video on August 14. I also shared it on Facebook. The police arrested the accused in this case. As far as I know, this hawker is not from the Muslim community.”
Bharalumukh police station in charge Jyoti Lahana confirmed the same to Aaj Tak. The outlet reported that Lahana said the hand-cart is owned by Akrul Sahani, a resident of Bihar, who hails from the Hindu community.
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