“बिना कुछ कहे, सब कुछ कह दिया। (Says everything without saying anything -translated)”, reads a tweet by academician and writer Madhu Purnima Kishwar with a photograph of billboard, which showed the trademark Amul girl along with cartoons of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi. The billboard had an inscribed message that was targeted at the dynasty politics and allegation of corruptions by the Gandhi family. The message reads, “नाना ने खाया , दादीने खाया , पापा ने खाया , मम्मी ने खाया आओ बहना तुम भी खालो जीजू को भी यहाँ बुला लो (Grandfather ate, Grandmother ate, Father ate, Mother ate and Sister you also eat and also call brother-in-law -translation)”, reads the Hindi text in the billboard. The word ‘खाया (ate)’, contextually refers to corruption.
बिना कुछ कहे, सब कुछ कह दिया। pic.twitter.com/9deTgydEGj
— MadhuPurnima Kishwar (@madhukishwar) August 31, 2019
Photoshopped image
Alt News found that the Ad banner used in the billboard is photoshopped with the Hindi text stated above. A reverse search of the image on Google reveals that there are several images of the same car and billboard with different banners, which goes to suggest that it has been photoshopped.
Moreover, the Amul Ad banner, which comprises of the iconic Amul girl, Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi has also been photoshopped with the Hindi text and the Amul slogan (The Taste of India). Amul had tweeted the original photo of the Amul Ad dedicated to Priyanka Gandhi’s entry into active politics before the 2019 general elections.
#Amul Topical: Priyanka Gandhi joins politics! pic.twitter.com/6Nl7n0s6kg
— Amul.coop (@Amul_Coop) January 24, 2019
Boom also spoke to daCunha, the advertisement agency behind the campaign and confirmed, “the viral photo was fake and it didn’t come from the agency.”
In conclusion, academician Madhu Kishwar tweeted a photoshopped image of Amul Ad, which targeted the Gandhi family portraying it as the official advertisement from the company. In the past as well, the writer and academician has been found spreading misinformation on several occasions (1, 2, 3, 4). Last December, Kishwar tweeted an old video of a rally with a false claim that Pakistani flags were waved by the Muslim community in celebration of the Congress’ electoral victory in three assembly elections. When it was pointed out that she had posted misinformation, she tweeted another misleading video to defend her last tweet.
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