A video of men working at a food processing factory has been shared on the internet. In the video, the men can be seen lollygagging and pouring a liquid on what looks like grains.

“Now Rice Jihad. From how many threats will you protect from family and children, Hindus? Muslims have caught Hindus by the noose to eliminate kafirs. Don’t buy such rice. It is clear from this video that Muslims are adding chemicals to reduce the Hindu population… Therefore don’t purchase anything from Muslim establishments… this chemical leads to cancer, heart trouble, skin itching, reduction in eyesight and diabetes.”


अब चावल जेहाद, 🐷🐷 हिन्दुओ कहा कहा से अपने परिवार और बच्चों को बचाओगे, मुसलमानों ने कमर कस ली है कि हिन्दुओ को यानी काफिरों को खत्म करना ही है,ऐसे चावल को मत खरीदो ऊपर दिये गये वीडियो से स्पष्ट है कि मुसलमान चावल में रसायन डालकर हिंदू आबादी में कमी लाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं.न केवल चावल में वे इस खतरनाक रसायन को जोड़ रहे हैं ताकि हिन्दुओ को बीमार कर सकें।इसलिए मुस्लिम और मुस्लिम प्रतिष्ठानों से कोई भी वस्तु खरीदना नहीं है। महिलाओं ओर बच्चों में यह रसायन और जल्दी विकार उतपन करता है इससे कैंसर,हार्ट ट्रबल, स्कीन में खुजली, आंखों की रोशनी कम होना, ओर डायबिटीज हो जाता है।सावधान रहना, हिन्दू दुकानदार से ही खरीदारी करो

Posted by Baljit Singh on Thursday, 4 November 2021

Alt News has received several requests to fact-check this claim on our WhatsApp helpline number (+91 76000 11160).


Upon viewing the video, it’s clear that the men are not speaking a language from the Indian subcontinent. At the 16-second mark, we see a man carrying a sack with the text ‘Casserita’.

We performed a keyword search on Facebook and found posts showing the same brand of rice. These posts were shared by several users from Peru. The collage below compares the image in viral video with a post by Peru-based Facebook account Distribución de Arroz (Spanish for “Rice Distribution”) to show that they are identical products.

We also found that the viral video dates back to at least 2018. YouTube page El Búho had posted the video in question in 2018. The description said, “According to comments from users on social networking sites, white rice is dyed in some markets in the capital Lima (Peru)…in the same warehouse of the brand “La Casserita”.”

Alt News cannot verify the religious affiliation of the men. However, as per Peru government data, the religious demographics in the country are as follows — Roman Catholic: 89.03%, Evangelical: 6.73%, Other religions: 2.56%, Any Religion: 1.65%.

To sum it up, a video that shows men working at a warehouse that packages Peru-based rice brand “Gran Cassertia” and has been shared with anti-Muslim spin in India. The video dates back to at least 2018.

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About the Author

🙏 Blessed to have worked as a fact-checking journalist from November 2019 to February 2023.