A video of a girl doing somersaults has been shared on social media with the claim that she is a 6-year-old girl named Jaspreet Sandhu who did 53 somersaults in 80 seconds.

In fact, the video was shared by a page named ‘Jaspreet Sadhu’ and it gained 37,000 shares and close to 4 lakh views.


उम्र 6 साल
समय 53 सेकंड
80 राउंड 😳
कृपया मेरी वीडियो को शेयर जरूर करें
Plz.. Follow my Page

Posted by Jaspreet Sandhu on Wednesday, 2 June 2021

From a page named सजल, it drew close to 10,000 shares.


उम्र 6 साल
समय 53 सेकंड
80 राउंड 😳

Posted by सजल on Monday, 3 May 2021

Video from China

A simple keyword search on YouTube took us to a video uploaded by South China Morning Post last year. A little girl can be seen doing somersaults in a room identical to the one in the viral video. “A 5-year-old girl from China’s Shanxi province can do 80 somersaults continuously in 1 minute. She has been practising it for 1.5 years with her father, and wants to break the Guinness World Record some day,” reads the video description on YouTube. The little girl has been identified as Li.

The video viral on social media was also found on YouTube, uploaded on August 30, 2020.

An old video from China was therefore shared with the false claim that ‘Jaspreet Sandhu’ performed 53 somersaults in 80 seconds.

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About the Author

Pooja Chaudhuri is a senior editor at Alt News.