The BJP on July 27 and 28 held a chief ministers’ meet in Delhi. A video from this event is being widely circulating on social media, featuring several BJP leaders and chief ministers. In the clip, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seen arriving at the venue and greeting everyone with folded hands. The video purportedly shows Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath not greeting PM Modi in return, while others exchange greetings with folded hands.
Congress leader Supriya Shrinate tweeted this clip remarking that even greeting others with a ‘namaste’ had ceased to exist. (Archived link)
अच्छा, तो अब नमस्ते प्रणाम भी बंद हो गया?
वैसे BJP की मीटिंग में इतना मातम मायूसी का माहौल क्यों?
— Supriya Shrinate (@SupriyaShrinate) July 28, 2024
Similarly, Pappu Ram Mundru, associated with Congress Rajasthan, tweeted the same clip with a similar caption. (Archived link)
अच्छा, तो अब नमस्ते प्रणाम भी बंद हो गया?
वैसे BJP की मीटिंग में इतना मातम मायूसी का माहौल क्यों?🤔
— Pappu Ram Mundru INC (@PRMundru) July 28, 2024
Several other X (Twitter) users and Facebook posts shared the video with the same claim.
Fact Check
To verify these claims, Alt News examined the BJP’s official X (Twitter) handle. We came across a video of the chief ministers’ meeting at the BJP headquarters. In this 20-second clip, Yogi Adityanath is seen greeting Prime Minister Modi within the first few seconds of the footage.
Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi held a meeting with BJP Chief Ministers and Deputy Chief Ministers at BJP Headquarters, New Delhi.
— BJP (@BJP4India) July 28, 2024
For the convenience of the readers, we have made a comparison between the viral video and the clip posted by BJP on X. This comparison clearly shows that Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath did greet Prime Minister Modi. However, due to a difference in the camera angles, the UP chief minister’s gesture was not caught in the clip which went viral leading to the misconception that he had not greeted the PM.
To sum it up, a video from the BJP chief ministers’ meet held at the party’s headquarters in Delhi is being misleadingly shared with the claim that Yogi Adityanath did not greet PM Modi upon the latter’s arrival. However, a second video from the event disproves this claim, showing that Adityanath did, in fact, greet the Prime Minister.
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