Recently, a few posters of BCCI president and former Indian cricketer Sourav Ganguly were shared on Facebook and Twitter. Each poster correlates to a different political party’s colours and symbols. In one of these, he is seen wearing a saffron kurta with the BJP logo in the background. In the second, he is pictured in a green kurta with the Trinamool Congress symbol behind him. The final one shows him in a red kurta standing in front of the CPI(M) banner. All three feature the same Bengali text that reads, ‘স্বাগতম দাদা’ (Welcome Dada).
The images, which are viral on Facebook, are posted below.
Several users are sharing the collage.
A few Twitter users are also circulating the posters.
স্বাগতম দাদা।।।।।
এবার বাংলায় দাদাকে চাই।।।।।
বাংলায় নতুন পরিবর্তন চাই।।
খেলা হবে।।।।
জমিয়ে খেলা হবে।।।।।।।
😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎— Rinku Modak…🇮🇳🚩 (@jai_Bhagwa) March 2, 2021
Photoshopped images
Alt News performed a reverse image search and located the original photo on Pinterest which says that this is a promotional photo used for an incense stick advertisement. Sourav Ganguly is endorsing the Cycle Rhythm Agarbathi (incense sticks).
The original picture given below features the company colors and imagery in the background instead of any party symbol.
The ex-cricketer himself tweeted a similar picture of the advertisement in which he is wearing the same saffron kurta with the brand’s logo in the background.
The sweet smell of cycle rhythm agarbatti
— Sourav Ganguly (@SGanguly99) September 4, 2016
The full-length advertisement, uploaded on October 5, 2016, can be viewed on the company’s YouTube channel. It is more than four years old.
The posters are being circulated now since West Bengal is set to go to polls for the upcoming assembly election. It is common for new entrants to join parties and change their affiliations ahead of polls. There has been constant speculation about the former sportsman entering politics and contesting in the Bengal elections. There were rumours that he would join Prime Minister Modi at his recent rally in Kolkata. Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh had cleared the air, stating that while no such discussions took place with the ex-cricket captain, he would be welcomed if he ever decided to join. Aaj Tak spoke to Sourav Ganguly on March 8. He has not issued any concrete statement yet on joining a particular party or entering politics.
We found that most users shared all three posters together while taking a dig at the BCCI president’s political affiliations.
Photoshopped posters of former Indian cricketer Sourav Ganguly have gone viral, each featuring the colours and imagery of a different political party. The images were all created from the same photo lifted from an advertisement. Each of them reads ‘স্বাগতম দাদা’ (‘Welcome Dada’ in English). The edited photos are making rounds on social media amid intense speculation about Ganguly joining a political party ahead of West Bengal elections.
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